femmes meurent car la société n'a pas encore décidé que leur vie est digne d'être sauvée.
Women are not dying because of illnesses we cannot treat, women are dying because society
has yet to decide that their lives are worth saving.
Mahmoud Futhall, Egyptian Doctor
"En fin de compte, nous nous souviendrons non pas des mots de nos ennemis, mais le silence de nos
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"
Martin Luther King, Jr
We haven't yet ended or deconstructed
patriarchy, we remain constantly at risk of having our victories reversed, we
have not yet been freed nor freed ourselves from the social system in which the
male acts as the primary authority figure determining social organisation and
where the father maintains authority over women and children. Essentially we
still live in a world where men rule and have privilege and women have
less and are subordinate and of course violence, coercion, intimidation and
terror and the tactics and methology that keep this privilege and
authority in place.
Essentiellement nous vivons encore sans un monde ou les hommes ont le pouvoir et lesprivilèges et les femmes ont moins et sont subordonnée et bien sur la violence, la coercition,
l’intimidation et la terreur sont les tactiques et la méthode (méthodologie) qui maintenir les
privilèges et l’autorité en place.
One in three women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime - that's one billion plus - a UN statistic.
The violence impacts
us in so many ways visible and invisible, it destroys our bodies, our
self-esteem and our souls, it obliterates confidence and limits our
dreams. It's a term that determines how far we can travel and who we can
become, so now we must go further and we must go the distance, we must unravel
patriarchy and domination and violence once and for all, we must escalate the
stakes, push the edges and we must MISBEHAVE.
The future of the
body of the earth and the bodies of women are one and the same.
- · We are rising to tell religious leaders and governments that the time has come to direct their energies to feeding, healing, housing the people rather than obsessing about our vaginas.
- · We are rising so the marjinalized majorities step into equality, voice and power.
- · We are rising because we are over the over regulation of women’s health clinics and women’s bodies and vaginas.
- · We are rising because we are over brilliant, passionate remarks by women being called tantrums and outspoken women being called crazy, slut, inappropriate, and lacking decorum simply because they disagree.
- · We are over rape culture, rape mentality and rape joks.
- · We are rising because we are over people not understanding that rape is not a joke.
- · Over being told we don’t have a sense of humour when most of the women I know are really fucking funny.
- · Just don’t think an uninvited penis up our anus or vagina is a laugh riot.
- · One in three us military being raped by so-called comrades
- · Are rising so women can stop being silent about rape because they are made to feel it is their fault or they did something to make it happen – or it’s really not that bad!
- · We are rising so that the violence against women act be finally past, done once and for all.
- · The destruction and muting and determining of women is the destruction of life itself NO WOMEN-NO LIFE-DONE
- · We are rising because we are over some powerful men pretending this deep love of fetuses or babies and life when really it's a guise for their terror of our sexuality and power. If you cared so much about life you would ever consider letting a woman die rather than performing an abortion, you would ask the life givers, the women themselves what they need and want and you would honour their decisions and trust their decisions and believe that they were thought out carefully with depth because that's how women are and you would maybe even worship their vaginas, you would cherish the word vagina and you would know that there was nothing dirty or disgusting about the place where all life comes from.
- · We are rising because we are over people talking about the weight of our bodies rather than the weight of our ideas
- · We are rising and we are calling the good men to rise with us. There are plenty of good men, you live with us, make love with us, father us, befriend us, brother us, get nurtured and nurtured and mothered and eternally supported by us so why aren’t you standing with us? Why aren’t you driven to the point of madness and action by the rape and humiliation and censoring of us?
Even Ensler 'Now Conference' 2012
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